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Exhibition installation

Your exhibition space is the public face of your organisation. It should do your collection justice.

Item preparation

A3 Collection Services offers simple, on site, item preparation prior to exhibition. We can perform tasks like light cleaning, mounting for paper and photographic materials, books and albums, showcase cleaning and showcase dressing. 

Environmental assessment

Measuring temperature, humidity, light and UV levels will inform how long your items can safely stay on display, and when they should be swapped out for another item. A3 will measure these levels and provide you with the details.

Environmental improvement

A3 Collection Services can advise you of simple steps you can take to improve the exhibition conditions - simple things like closing the curtains or increasing air circulation. Every space is different.


Can I use sticky tape to mount items for exhibition? Well, you can, but you shouldn't. Sticky tape stains collection materials as it deteriorates, eventually fails, and your items will fall off their mounts.